1.For the same type of account (same title, product description, price), the seller is allowed to upload up to five times.

Tips:If you want to upload multiple accounts of the same type, you can select automatic delivery when selecting the delivery type, automatic delivery type offer can add multiple account information.

2.Sellers are not allowed to write misleading product descriptions or titles that may trick buyers into buying the product. For example, writing "Lifetime warranty for accounts", saying that the account is full access when it's not.

3.Sellers are fully responsible for accounts that they sell.Even if you are reselling the account, you are still responsible for the account.

4.The account for sale must come from a legitimate source.

5.The seller must clearly notify the buyer of any restrictions on the account. For example:The game accounts you sell can only be played in the specific regions.

6.Once an account is sold, the seller should not make any attempt to log in, recover or otherwise use the account and any related logins, unless requested to do so by the buyer. 

7.For automatic deliverying accounts, you must fill in the correct account information in the offer. We understand that sometimes your account will be sold elsewhere, but if this happens to you too often, we will disqualify you from selling.

8.Seller must have the full original access of the account and its recovery information so that any issue that may arise can be resolved by the seller. Otherwise, seller is liable when a trade dispute occurs.

9.When delivering account, seller must transfer the ownership of the account access fully to the buyer. Account access ownership transfer means changing the account registration and login info to buyer's details, and also provide the original registration information. This is to enable buyer to use their own details and original account information to contact and resolve issue with the gamemaker.  

10.Sellers with a high rate of account recovery will be permanently banned. 

11.Accounts have a 5-day warranty for buyers. If an account stops working, gets banned or recovered during this period, the sale will be cancelled and a refund will be issued.

12.After the warranty period ends, sellers can still be held liable. If an account you sold is recovered after the 5-day protection period, u7buy will perform an investigation. If we find the seller to be at fault, you may need to refund the buyer and/or be suspended from u7buy. To avoid suspension, make sure you communicate with buyers even after warranty period ends.


1.Your offer must clearly state what platforms the Fortnite account can be linked to (ex. Xbox + Playstation, PC + Playstation, etc.). By listing a platform, you guarantee that the buyer will be able to use the account on that platform.

2.You must clearly inform buyers about the risks involved, such as mentioning that they should not contact Epic Games support. If you fail to do so, you will be held responsible in a dispute.

3.If you are selling an account where it is not immediately possible to change the email - this must be included in the description. You must also provide full access to the linked email, as with all accounts.

4.If you choose to sell Fortnite accounts with Russian email domains, there is an increased risk of cancellations for problematic orders. This is a factor you should be aware of before listing these accounts on our website.


1.You must list accounts in the correct category. Example - Iron accounts only in the Iron category, and so on.

2.Rank listed must be current season rank.

3.You may not sell accounts which were leveled with cheats or other illegal software, to protect buyers from the risk of ban.


1.You must clearly state which platform (ie. Epic Games, Rockstar, PS5, etc.) the account is for.

2.You must also state which game version is included (Expanded and Enhanced, Regular, etc).

3.Selling FiveM accounts is allowed in this section, as long as buyers are clearly informed that GTA V is required to play.